
We want your feedback!

Tell us what you think about our service – just pop to the feedback page in the top menu.

We want to hear from you if you’ve benefitted from the support of one of our advocates.

We also want to hear from you if you refer people for advocacy support.

You can also read what other people have said:

2022-23 Impact Report

We’ve published our annual report on the impact of our Advocacy services.

We had 1,861 referrals, which was an increase of over 14% on the year before.

What that doesn’t tell you of course, is that at any one time Hub advocates are working on around 1500 separate cases.

You can read the full report here.

Annual Report 2017-18

We are proud to present Citizens Advice Sheffield’s Annual Review of our Independent Advocacy Services for 2017-18.  This annual report includes the first year of operation of the Advocacy Hub and we  hope you find it gives a useful overview of the services we have provided this year.

As well as an outline of each type of advocacy we provide, it also includes two stories of people who have used our service, and how we have helped them speak up about what they want, and obtain the services they need.  It includes figures to show how many people we have helped, and it also outlines some of our important campaigning work carried out through the year.

Report on the Mental Health Advocacy consultation

We told you last autumn we were carrying out a consultation with people who use our mental health advocacy service.  Well, we did that and we’ve now collated the results.

Here is a document which tells you all about the consultation, gathers together what you told us, and sets out what we intend to do next.  There will be changes to our mental health advocacy service between now and April 2018.  We hope that this will make a positive difference and ensure that a lot more people get our help when its needed.